
오물 성문
Dung Gate
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예루살렘 대성전
Dome of the Rock
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예수 부활성당
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
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통곡의 벽
Wailing Wall
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스테파노 성문
Stephen's Gate
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성안나 성당
Church of St. Anne
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베짜타 연못
Pool of Bethesda
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십자가의 길
Via Dolorosa
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Mt. Olives
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예수님 눈물 성당
Sanctuary of Dominus Flevit
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게세마니 대성당
Church of all Nations
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예수 승천 경당
Chapel of Christ's Ascension
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주의 기도문 기념 경당
Church of the Paternoster
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